h2o_rikky fotolog
T a r y n Ma r l e r  - S O P H I E (h2o )

Born in Brisbane, on September 1st 1988,
Taryn Marler developed a love for
performing at a very young age. When
Taryn was only 4 years old she started
ballet, tap and jazz lessons, and
continued these lessons for three years.
She then started art classes and became
passionate about anything creative
including painting and drawing.
As Taryn grew older she became
involved in church and school plays, and
after her first school drama class when
she was 11 years old, Taryn knew she
wanted to act. When Taryn was 12, she
joined an agency and started
auditioning for different television
shows and movies. Taryn was shortlisted
to play Wendy in the film, Peter Pan, but
unfortunately just missed out.
Taryn continued her schooling and kept
auditioning until finally in 2005, after
having just graduated school, she won
the role of Rachel in Blue Water High Series 2, and moved to the Northern Beaches of
Sydney for the first six months of 2006 to shoot the popular children's series.
Since then, Taryn has been involved in a short film and various other roles and guest roles in
a film and other television series such as the UK‟s Police Drama, Heartbeat. She has also
been involved in humanitarian work in India and hopes to go back there as well as other
countries such as Africa. Taryn is interested in photography, hair, makeup and fashion design
and in her spare time likes to watch movies, paint, jet-ski, skateboard and spend time with
her friends.

Usuari@ invitad@
Liesel ï¿½ El 03/10/2009 a las 17:11

ella es actriz de h2o??? solo lo digo x k no me suena de naaada!!
1 beso

Usuari@ invitad@
http://www.metroflog.com/adela ï¿½ El 23/02/2010 a las 21:00

yo a esta no la conozco :(

weno es igual


aqui esta direccion de mi metroflog :D

pasense siempre qu quieran

Usuari@ invitad@
Carmen ï¿½ El 08/05/2010 a las 12:43

Si, ahora mismo estoy viendo la serie en atena 3, esa Sophie es.... supuestamente segun dice aki o esque no me he enterado es la novia del supuesto ex de emma (la chica nueva emmna) espero k os hayya kedado claroo ILOVEEE H2OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Usuari@ invitad@
Invitado ï¿½ El 27/12/2012 a las 22:24

uuuuuu las q mas odio de la serie de h2o son charlote y esta uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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Mujer, 30 años
