
She had a tragic past in which everyone around her was killed in a battle between some Pirates and Marines. After the fighting had stopped she found a baby and began to wonder around until she came across Bellemere. Using what little strength she had, Bellemere pulled herself over to the the two children and to the delight of both Nojiko and Bellemere, the baby laughed seeming unaware of the bloodshed that happened.

Soon afterwards, Bellemere set sail for her home town with the two children and arrived back home during a storm. She handed over the two girls to the village doctor even though she was hurt. After all three were better Bellemere announced she was taking in the two girls Nojiko and the baby (who had been dubbed "Nami" by then), something Nojiko was apparently happen about.

Bellemere protecting the girls from Arlong.Their life together was a struggle as Bellemere was poor. Being the elder of the two sisters Nojiko had everything bought for her first and Nami would end up with her hand-me-downs. After scolding Nami for denouncing them as a family causing Nami to run off, Nojiko was sent after her.

That same day Arlong invaded the island and found her home, Bellemere tried to fend the Fishman off but was quickly subdued. When asked for the fee needed to stay alive, it turned out all the money Bellemere had would either save herself or her two daughters. Things would've been okay, as Arlong was unaware of the two girls' existence, but Bellemere gave it to her two girls as she would rather have died than not call herself a mother. To that end, Arlong shot her right in front of the eyes of her two adopted daughters, but not before Bellemere apologized to Nami for not being richer, and not being able to buy the girls whatever they wanted. With that, she said her final words to the girls: "I love you."

[edit] Present Story
In the present storyline, she saves Usopp and a boy called Chabo from the hands of the fishmen.[5]

She reveals Nami's

Última foto del fotolog de sakurakinomoto_love
sakurakinomoto_love ï¿½ El 02/10/2008 a las 01:19

wolaazz!! ^o^
me re paso, pasaS?
qe tengas un lindo
etc etc etc
re lindaa pick!!!
biiiee bieee

Última foto del fotolog de kikystar
kikystar ï¿½ El 02/10/2008 a las 01:24

hola amiga!!!
dejo mi _____!!!jeje
temando mil kiss!!
buen casi termino de semana!!jaja
te cuidas!!
te quiero mucho!!
sayonara mata ne!!!!;D

Última foto del fotolog de tsuki363
tsuki363 ï¿½ El 02/10/2008 a las 02:52


ho dios en ingles no


jaja soy medio mala ... solo emdio hee


jaja que estes bien

dewa mata ...

de verdad intento leer u.u :P

Última foto del fotolog de sakura1anime_princes
sakura1anime_princes ï¿½ El 02/10/2008 a las 04:02

hola esta chida tu pink me gusto
y el fondo tambien se ve bien
te espero pronto en mi flog si puedes verdad
tampoco te voy a obligar
te cuidas besos

Última foto del fotolog de Niicol
Niicol ï¿½ El 02/10/2008 a las 04:05

esta linda la pick
paso rapido
te kuids

Foto de maria_goofy
maria_goofy ï¿½ El 02/10/2008 a las 15:51

hola esta mu chula la imagen

Última foto del fotolog de sailormarsss
sailormarsss ï¿½ El 02/10/2008 a las 19:56

Dice una leyenda, que un gigante paso una noche entera vaciando sacos de arena en el océano intentando hacerlo desaparecer, hasta que al amanecer se dio cuenta de la inutilidad de su intencion y decidió vaciar el último de sus sacos en Japón, creando una montaña: el Monte Fuji o Fugi Sama.

Aquí hay que aclarar que decir el monte Fuji-yama es incurrir en una redundancia puesto que "yama" significa montaña, por eso también se le llama "sama" que equivale a personalizarlo al darle el calificativo de "señor" Fuji. Por otro lado no se explicar exactamente porqué lo de "Fuji" (aunque se le puede echar imaginación) que es la palabra japonesa para nombrar a la gicina, una enredadera usada en ornamentación con flores azul y violeta, de la cual existe una especie endémica de honsu, la isla del archipiélago japones donde está este volcán.

espero te ha gustado mucho la leyenda una de muchos de mi pais
me despido a comienzos de semana
deseando pases un final semana muy bien

Acerca deFoto de hyde_3


Mujer, 35 años
