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1. Why are you here?
Just for a quick trip between projects for the shu uemura art of hair event, and to see my family. I’m also looking forward to seeing some shows at fashion week and guest contributing to Vogue Australia/
2. Who was your last phone call to?
My mum to tell her what time Id be home for dinner! Im making the most of nice home cooked meals.
3. There’s a fire, what do you grab?
Clothing, I sleep in very little. And photos.
4. Who would you go out with from GIRLS?
Charlie. I’m in love with him.
5. What is your state of mind right now?
I woke up at 3am because of jet lag, so very very sleepy!
6. Ever felt like packing it all in?
Haha heavy! No, I’m enjoying the journey of it all, even the challenges. I’m a very lucky girl and I feel grateful for every opportunity I have been given.
7. Best advice you’ve ever received?
It’s nice to be important but it’s important to be nice.