capitan Momo hinamori

Momo grew up in Junrinan, District 1 of Rukongai, along with Tōshirō Hitsugaya. While Hitsugaya tended to be a bit of a brat as a child, Momo found him amusing and treated him like a younger brother. The two have a close friendship, reflected by Momo giving him the nickname Shiro-chan (Lil' Shiro in the English dub) although Momo is older and Tōshirō is younger, it gives him the best reason to protect her. Even more, the two are very close and will protect each other as a promise they made to each other. When Momo entered the Shinigami Academy, she excelled at Kidō. It was there that she met Izuru Kira and Renji Abarai, who soon became her friends and, later, her fellow lieutenants.

Her friendship with Izuru Kira and Renji Abarai began back in the Shinigami Academy on a standard field exercise to the real world to practice performing the Konsō (Soul Burial), and combat with artificial Hollow replicas. The exercise was led by Shūhei Hisagi. Everything went well until a group of huge Hollows attacked them. Shūhei told everyone to run, but Momo turned to see Shūhei being attacked by multiple Hollows. She ran to help him, and was followed, somewhat reluctantly, by Renji and Izuru.

Backup arrived in the form of Fifth Division Captain Aizen and then Lieutenant Gin Ichimaru. Momo began idolizing Aizen from that moment. He knew that, and manipulated the system to make sure that Izuru, Renji, and Momo were all sent to his division upon graduation. He perceived hard-headed Renji as a threat to his scheme and had him sent out of the divisions he controlled, but sent Izuru to the Third Division, which was now captained by Gin. He kept Momo in the Fifth Division, and she worked her way up the ladder to be Aizen’s Lieutenant (through much hard work as noted by Hitsugaya).

Última foto del fotolog de Fuu.Chan
Fuu.Chan ï¿½ El 18/04/2009 a las 14:33

hii hyde!!

wowowo me encannrta esta xica!!
aja es un poco corta pero me gustaaa jjaja
esta geniall la pikk pusiteee!!!!
jajajaja me gustoo muxoooo n.n

espero kestes geniall wapa
matta ne n,n

Última foto del fotolog de Kingdom_Adri
Kingdom_Adri ï¿½ El 18/04/2009 a las 15:44

otra nueva de bleach , genial
momo me gusta es un perosnje k me gusta bastante
pobrecika por lo k paso kon su capitan pero bueno
un saludo
ja ne!

Foto de inuyashaloamojeje
inuyashaloamojeje ï¿½ El 18/04/2009 a las 17:58


arigatou gozaimasu!
x pasar a firmar
mi fotolog
paso rapidito ke tengo k regresar komentarios
kuidatee muchoo
y k estes de lo mejor!

dewa, mata



Última foto del fotolog de gidd
gidd ï¿½ El 18/04/2009 a las 21:21

tienes este chico es guapicimo en todos lados jeje bueno me encnta la niña de la imagen este linda kuidat y perdon por ser breve pero ando de prisa bxox gidd

Última foto del fotolog de miikiii
miikiii ï¿½ El 18/04/2009 a las 22:19

konishiwa... ...como stas?...
espero k bn...
...ta super bna la pic...
me gusto mucho...
...ya po me voy...
...matta ne...



Foto de inuyashaloamojeje
inuyashaloamojeje ï¿½ El 18/04/2009 a las 23:51

konichi waaa!!

arigatou x firmar
mi fotolog
me da mucho gusto!
k lo visites
kuidate muchoo
y ke estes de lo mejor

dewa, mata



Acerca deFoto de hyde_3


Mujer, 35 años
