
Nuriko (柳宿?) first appears disguised as "Kōrin" in Emperor Hotohori's harem, which Hotohori never visits except to welcome new maidens. "Kōrin" was in fact Nuriko's younger sister, who died at a young age; he began behaving and dressing like her to keep her memory alive. Born in Eiyō, the capital of Konan, Nuriko possesses superhuman strength and is later granted a pair of bracelets that transform into strength-increasing armbands by Taiitsukun. He is 18 years old. His true name is Ryuuen Chou (迢 柳娟, Chō Ryūen?), based on the star Willow (柳).

While prone to jealousy, quick to anger, and possessing a calculating tendency, Nuriko is very level-headed and compassionate and shows the most concern regarding Miaka and Tamahome's relationship. As a "woman", Nuriko is infatuated with his fellow warrior, Hotohori, but as a man, he also loves Miaka Yūki. While initially jealous of Hotohori's love for Miaka, Nuriko and Miaka become close friends. After Nuriko comes to terms with the fact that his cross-dressing resulted from the unyielding pain of losing his sister Kourin, he concludes that he had been trying to live his life as Kourin would have, not as he would have. This revelation allows him to finally allow himself to experience life as a man. He cuts his hair, which once hung down to his waist in a braid, and admits to Tamahome that he loves Miaka as more than a friend. While he maintains his feelings for Hotohori, Nuriko eventually chooses to stop dressing as a woman in order to better protect Miaka. Throughout the rest of the series, even after his death from Ashitare, one of the Seiryū-seishi, the friendship between Nuriko and Miaka remains strong. Nuriko is the first of the seven Suzaku warriors to die.

In Fushigi Yûgi Eikoden, Nuriko was "reborn" at a local marketplace as a young girl named Ko Keishun . She also steals the magic ball Tasuki has, and breaks it. Despite the young girl's

Última foto del fotolog de emii_crepusculo
emii_crepusculo ï¿½ El 03/03/2010 a las 06:06

linda actualizacion
pasa ii coomeenta:D
este video SII se puede ver
perdon por lo del otro¬
kisses kisses

Última foto del fotolog de emii_crepusculo
emii_crepusculo ï¿½ El 12/03/2010 a las 01:25

liinda actualizacion
pasa ii coomentA!
kisses kisses

Última foto del fotolog de Kobato-chan30
Kobato-chan30 ï¿½ El 12/03/2010 a las 19:26

o°°O.....o . * . * hOLa!!.._/\_* . + . * . * . +
...O..........O . * . * . * . * . *),"( + . * . * . + .
....° o o o O

....o°°O.....o + . * . *O perdon, paso por tu flog* . + . * . * .
...O..........O . * . * . * . * . * . + . * . * . + . * .
....° o o o O

....o°°O.....o + . * . * ezperandO k andez bien* .
...O..........O . * . * .. *. *
....° o o o O

....o°°O.....o + . * . * te ezperO en mi flOg* . + . * .
...O..........O . * . * . * . * . * . + . * . * .
....° o o o O

....o°°O.....o + . * . * te kuidaz _/\_* . + . * . * . + .
...O..........O . * . * . * . * . * . ),"( + . * . * . + .
....° o o o O

....o°°O.....o + . * . * miakayui._/\_* . + .

....o°°O.....o + . * . * linda pick* .
...O..........O . * . * .. *. *
....° o o o O

Foto de Vanilla_and_Chocolat
Vanilla_and_Chocolat ï¿½ El 27/04/2010 a las 16:21

la verdad nunca visto fujshi yuggii me gustaria me dijeras de que va por que veo a ti te gusta muxo, besos xau

Última foto del fotolog de hannahlafnagel
hannahlafnagel ï¿½ El 08/05/2010 a las 15:33

ola!!!!!! tu fotolog sta mu xulo!!!!! sta genial, please pasat x mi kien soy y comenta



Foto de Vanilla_and_Chocolat
Vanilla_and_Chocolat ï¿½ El 14/05/2010 a las 01:31

arigato x pasar ,linda pick te kuidas n.n

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Mujer, 36 años


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